Friday, February 15, 2019

Mrs. Burland's Bulletin
February 18th through February 22nd

The pictures above show the Valentine's Day animal bags students made to hold their cards! Thank you again to our party planner, Ms. Adams. Also, thank you to Mrs. Rivera-Carrero and Mrs. Poynton for coming in to help with the party. The students had so much fun!!!

We will not have school on Friday, February 15th or Monday, February 18th.  Please plan accordingly.

The Upcoming Week at School:
Reading: This week students will continue to learn about nonfiction text features with nonfiction good fit articles. We will also research countries in order to prepare for writing chapter books! 

Spelling:  Students will receive a spelling list and should complete three activities using the spelling menu.  The test will be on Friday, March 1st.  The activities will also be due on Friday, March 1st.  

Math:   We will continue unit 5, which focuses on Geometry & Measurement (Area and Perimeter). This week we will focus on studying angles and polygons in module 2. We will have a divide by 8 timed test on Thursday, February 21st.  They will have two minutes to complete 26 problems.  

Social Science: This week in social studies, students will finish their immigration scrapbook! Then we will begin a unit on Chicago! In science, we will finish chapter 4 titled, "Why does the train float, even though gravity is acting upon it?" Then we will begin chapter 5, the last chapter in our unit, titled, "Why does the train change from floating to falling?"

Things to Remember:
Monday 2/18 There will not be school.
Thursday 2/21:  There will be a divide by 8 test.

Friday 3/1: There will be a spelling test and the three activities are due.