Friday, June 1, 2012

Miss Pellin's Post
June 4th to June 5th

I have enjoyed all my students so much this year!! Thanks to all the parents who have helped make the 2011/2012 school year such a great one! Remember Tuesday, June 5th is an early dismissal day, please plan accordingly. Students will be dismissed at 9:30 am.

If your child has any textbooks at home, please make sure they return them on Monday, June 4th.  I am missing a couple English and math textbooks.  I would appreciate if you double checked to see if any of the books are around your house.  Thank you!

I am sending all the students' dictionaries to the fourth grade classrooms.  You do not need to purchase these for next year. 

On Monday, June 4th we will have our school picnic! Each child will receive a hot dog, bag of chips and a bottle of water. They will also receive a dessert. If your child cannot eat a hot dog, they will need to bring their own lunch.

Over the summer, it is very important that students continue to read! I have created a blog where students can write responses about the books they are reading. They can also see the books their friends have enjoyed. My first post gives ideas on possible responses. The reading responses should be around 5 sentences and should include information about the book they read. They can find the blog at In order to use the blog students simply click on the down arrow button and find their name. Then they can enter the password I have already given them.

Students can also practice different reading skills and math skills using a
link on our District website. Click here to play games according to your child's MAP scores to help them improve.

Things to Remember:

Monday 6/4: We will have our school picnic!  It is sunglasses and hat day!
Tuesday 6/5: Students will be dismissed at 9:30 a.m.  It is crazy feet day!

Contact Information:
E-Mail address:
Voice mail: (630)783-5065