Thursday, February 22, 2018

Mrs. Burland's Bulletin
February 26th through March 2nd

Image result for countries around the world

I was so impressed with the students' country presentations! I could tell that they had practiced. I really enjoyed learning about their personal connections to each country! 

We will not have school on Friday, March 2nd due to an institute Day.  Please plan accordingly.

The Upcoming Week at School:
Reading: This week students will work on the reading strategies of main idea/details and compare/contrast while reading good fit nonfiction articles. 

Please make sure your child is reading and keeping track of their minutes on the February reading log! The February Reading Log is due on Friday, March 1st. 

Spelling:  Students have received a spelling list and should complete three activities using the spelling menu.  The test will be on Thursday, March 1st.  The activities will also be due on Thursday, March 1st.  

Math:   We will study area and perimeter on complex shapes.  This week we will finish the study of unit 5 on Geometry and Measurement. Look for a study guide to come home the week of March 5th.  Students will take a mixed division test on Thursday, March 1stThere will be 40 problems with facts ranging from  divide by 0 to divide by 9. Students will have 3 minutes to complete the test. Each problem will be worth a half point, totaling 20 points. There will not be retakes. They have received two practice tests.

Social Science: We will begin a unit on Chicago! Students will learn about the Chicago flag and its early history

Image result for chicago flag

Things to Remember:
Thursday 3/1:  There will be a spelling test and the 3 activities are due. There will be a mixed division test.  The February Reading Log is due. 
Friday 3/2: Teacher Institute Day