Friday, February 9, 2018

Mrs. Burland's Bulletin
February 12th through February 16th

On Wednesday, February 14th we will celebrate Valentine's Day.  Thank you so much to our party planners and to all the parents who are helping run the activities! I also appreciate the parents who are sending in treats and supplies! The students are going to have a blast!  If students choose to pass out Valentine's Day cards, they should get a card for everyone in the class.  There are 23 students in the class (12 boys and 11 girls).  We will pass out cards on Wednesday before the class party. 

Image result for snow charlie brown

Please stay safe this weekend with our winter storm! 

We will not have school on Friday, February 16th or Monday, February 19th.  Please plan accordingly.

The Upcoming Week at School:
Reading: This week students will learn about nonfiction text features and nonfiction good fit articles. Please make sure your child is reading and keeping track of their minutes on the February reading log!

Culture Day: Please make sure to look at the letter that was sent home yesterday about Culture Week! Students will need to read three chapters from their country report to the class, share their family/ancestor connection to the country they are presenting, and bring in 2 items as well. I look forward to hearing each student present on their assigned date (2/20, 2/21, 2/22, or 2/23). Students will receive a paper copy of their research paper this week that they can use to help practice. If they would like to practice over the weekend, they can use their chromebooks. 

Spelling:  Students already received a spelling list and should complete three activities using the spelling menu.  The test will be on Thursday, February 15th.  The activities will also be due on Thursday, February 15th.  

Math:   Last week, we studied angles and reviewed area and perimeter. This week we will review how to measure angles and will study lines and polygons as well. Unit 5 focuses on Geometry & Measurement (Area and Perimeter). We will have a divide by 10 and 11 timed test on Wednesday, February 14th.  They will have two minutes to complete 26 problems.  

Social Science:  I was so proud of our class on how well everyone did on the chapter 3 social studies test! This week students will make an immigration scrapbook. Then we will begin a unit on Chicago!

Things to Remember:
Monday 2/12 and Tuesday 2/13:  Math Conferences
Wednesday 2/14: There will be a divide by 10 and 11 test. We will have our Valentine's Day Party!
Thursday 2/15:  The spelling 3 activities are due and there will be a spelling test. 
Friday 2/16 and Monday 2/19 There will not be school.