Sunday, September 16, 2007

Miss Pellin's Post

September 16th - September 23rd

The class had an excellent week this past week. As a group they spell very well. The class had their first Daily Oral Language (DOL) quiz this past Friday. Everyone did an excellent job. I was also proud of class work on our sentence quiz. I will be returning a graded copy of their “Four Types of Sentences” Quiz. Your child should save this as a study guide for the final chapter quiz.

Every year the third graders take the OSLAT tests. The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test is designed to measure abstract thinking and reasoning abilities that are relevant to school achievement. My class will be taking this test on September 18th and it is about 35 minutes.

This Week at School:

Science: Our human body study will continue with the circulatory system and the nervous system. We will begin doing worksheets on Monday. Then the students will lie down on art paper and with a partner and make an outline of their body. Over the week we will fill in different parts of the body in this outline. By the end of this unit, your child should be able to locate organs within their body.

English: We will be studying the two parts of a sentence (subject and predicate). At the end of the week students should be able to identify the subject and predicate in a written sentence.

Spelling: There will be a spelling “list 3” pretest on Monday. These words often have “ou” in them. The final test will be on Friday. Keep studying!

Reading: The class will begin reading a new chapter book called The Chalkbox Kid. The class will use the reading strategies that we have been studying during the first few weeks of school.

Math: To read about what your child is doing for math, you will have to visit your child's math teacher's blog. You can do this by going to our District website: , click on Prairieview, click on 3rd Grade, then click on your child's math teacher's name. Their blog will come up. Find the teacher's math section to read about what your child will be doing in math class.

For my math group, we will start to work on subtraction facts and problem solving from Chapter 2. Our Chapter 2 test will be next week. Those students who missed less than 2 questions on their pretest will not have to take this test. These students will receive their pretest score as their grade. If a student missed one question they have the option of taking the post test with the rest of the class.

Things to Remember:

Monday 9/17: Magazine Drive Kick Off! Look for your child's magazine packet tonight.
Tuesday 9/18: Early Dismissal at 11:00 am
Wednesday 9/19: OLSAT’s
Thursday 9/20: Picture Day! (Please send your money by today for class pictures)
Friday 9/21: Spelling “List 3” Test, Book Orders due!