Sunday, September 23, 2007

Miss Pellin's Post
September 24th - September 30th

Last week was a short week that included OSLAT Tests. We continued our study of the human body – working on the circulatory and the nervous system. We also began to place the organs within life-size cutouts of the human body. One key 3rd grade learning goal in health is that students should be able to place organs within the body and understand their function. Last week the class worked very hard on standarized testing, the human body, and on their other subjects.

Wednesday is Johnny Appleseed’s birthday. We will be having a celebration! A note will be sent home on Monday as a reminder. Your child will be asked to bring in a peeled, cored, and sliced apple to school on Wednesday to be used to make applesauce for the class. We are looking for donations of small bowls, spoons, and apple juice to use on Wednesday. If this is something you are interested in helping with, please email me or send the items in any day before Wednesday. Thank you in advance for your help!

This Week at School:

Science: Our human body study will continue with the nervous system. Key concepts for this week include “dominance”. If your child is left-handed, remember to let them know that they are in their “right” minds. The body systems unit ends with studies of the respiratory and digestive systems next week. The final test will be on Friday, October 5th.

English: We will be finishing work on sentences (Unit 1). There will be a test on Friday, September 28th, (new date!) covering the four sentence types and identifying the two sentence parts – subjects and predicates. Students can prepare for the test by reviewing their workbook pages and worksheets, reading through the textbook lessons for unit 1, and by taking the chapter review quiz in the textbook. Your child can bring both completed worksheets and the textbook home any day this week to get started studying for the test.

Social Studies: We will begin Social Studies with a review of the compasss rose. Your child should be able to find each of the directions (North, South, East, and West) on a map. There will be a directions quiz on Tuesday, October 2.

Spelling: There will be a spelling “list 4” pretest on Monday. These words often are plurals ending in “s” or “es”. The final test will be on Friday. Please keep studying. Everyone is doing an excellent job!

Reading: Our studies of The Chalkbox Kid will focus on character traits and the ordering of story events.

Math: This math news is for Miss Pellin’s math class only. Please check your child's math teacher's blog for news from their class.

Miss Pellin’s math class will continue to study Chapter 2. This week’s work will focus on subtraction strategies and properties. Tests for this week will include “Mad Minute” quizzes (every day for two weeks until all students achieve a perfect score) and a Chapter 2 test on addition and subtraction facts (Tuesday, September 25). Students who achieved a perfect score on the Chapter 2 pretest will not have to take the test.

Things to Remember:

Monday 9/24: Spelling “List 4” pretest
Tuesday 9/25: Magazine orders should be turned in today. There will be a Chapter 2 math test for my math class.

Wednesday 9/26: It is Johnny Appleseed’s birthday! Please send in your peeled, cored, and sliced apple today for a special activity.
Thursday 9/27:
Friday 9/28: There is a spelling “List 4” test. Spelling Workbook pages and challenge activities are due. English Unit 1 test