Friday, May 31, 2013

Miss Pellin's Post
June 3rd to June 5th

I have enjoyed all my students so much this year!! Thanks to all the parents who have helped make the 2012/2013 school year such a great one! Remember Wednesday, June 5th is an early dismissal day, please plan accordingly. Students will be dismissed at 9:30 am.

If your child has any textbooks at home, please make sure they return them on Monday, June 3rd.  I am missing a couple science and math textbooks.  I would appreciate if you double checked to see if any of the books are around your house.  Thank you!

On Monday, June 3rd we will have our school picnic! Each child will receive a hot dog, bag of chips and a bottle of water. They will also receive a dessert. If your child cannot eat a hot dog, they will need to bring their own lunch. 

Notice to Parents:
End of Year School Picnic  
In the interest of ensuring that all students remain safe while having fun during the school picnic, gym shoes will be the only acceptable foot wear of the day.  Little toes and feet cannot play when bruised and abraded. If feet are not in proper attire, students will not be allowed to participate in outdoor activities.  Thank you.

Things to Remember:
Monday 6/3: We will have our school picnic!  It is sunglasses and hat day!
Tuesday 6/4:  It is pajama day!
Wednesday 6/5: Students will be dismissed at 9:30 a.m.  It is crazy feet day!

Contact Information:
E-Mail address:
Voice mail: (630)783-5065