Friday, November 4, 2011

Miss Pellin's Post
November 7th to November 11th

Friday, November 11th is Veterans' Day. There will be no school. Please plan accordingly.

Roller Skating Party: Students attending the roller skating party on Monday, November 7th will need to report to school at 3:45 p.m. to check in and have their hands stamped before boarding the buses. Students should bring their fast pass with them at check in which will go home with them on Monday. Please remember to not park in the bus lanes when dropping your student off and for pick up. Thank you!

We will be taking a field trip to Downers Grove as part of our Social Studies unit about our city on Thursday, November 17th from 9 am to 2 pm. Everyone will eat at Giordano's restaurant (please send a cold lunch if your child did not sign up for a pizza lunch). If you would like, though it is not necessary, students can also bring $5-$8 in cash on the day of the field trip. Your student can spend this money at any of the downtown Downers Grove shops. Each student will be responsible for their own money. Thank you!

The Twelfthth Week of 2011 at School:

Science: We will continue the study of matter.  We will discuss the three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas.

Social Studies: We will continue the study of Downers Grove.  Students will learn about how Pierce Downer's house was part of the underground railroad which lead eventually to Canada.

Math:  There will be a "T" Chart Quiz on Tuesday, November 8th.  Students will complete three problems.  Then they will pick one of the three problems to write a "T" Chart about.  On Wednesday we will begin the study of money in chapter 5.  There will be a multiplication quiz on Thursday, November 10th on the following facts:

2 X 3 = 6
2 X 4 = 8
2 X 5 = 10
2 X 6 = 12
2 X 7 = 14
2 X 8 = 16
2 X 9 = 18

Spelling: In lieu of a typical spelling lesson, students will begin exploring analogies this week with our focus on synonym/antonym analogies this week. There will be a test on synonym/antonym analogies on Tuesday, November 15th.

Reading:  In your child's reading folder you will find a sheet with your child's MAP score and lexile level.  These are two different numbers.  The lexile score is in the top right hand corner of the page.  You can go on and enter your child's lexile level in order to find books at your child's level.  This lexile level is based off of your child's performance on the MAPs test from the beginning of the year.  Therefore, they should be reading books from the high end of their score.  They will receive a new score in January.  This is another way to determine if students are reading a Good Fit Book. Feel free to let me know if you need some assistance in finding your child a high interest book they will enjoy reading every evening for at least 20 minutes.

This week, our focus will be on story elements (plot, character, problem and solution. We will be exploring these elements through our Good Fit reading group books.

English: Students will edit their Favorite Things paper and write a final draft. They will present their Me Bags on Wednesday and Thursday.  Then, we will pretest on chapter 2, nouns. This will determine which students may be work on enriching activities while others receive necessary additional support.

Things to Remember:
Tuesday 11/8:  There will be a "T" chart quiz. 
Thursday 11/10: There will be a multiplication quiz.
Friday 11/11: There will be no school for Veterans' Day.

Contact Information:
E-Mail address:
Voice mail: (630)783-5065