Thursday, January 29, 2009

Miss Pellin's Post
February 2nd - February 6th

Monday, February 2nd is Ground Hog Day! In Science we have been studying the weather, but perhaps we haven't been paying as much attention to checking mammal shadows as we should. I'm hoping that winter will be short this year, but I'm not certain we will know after today.

The Fifth Week of 2009 at School:
Home Room

Science: We will continue our study of weather. Cloud types and different type of storms including hurricanes will be studied. We will also learn about the anemometer, which measures wind speed.

Social Studies: We will begin to study the country and history of Egypt. We will talk about the past versus the present Egypt and begin reading the book Eye on Egypt where this week students will learn about the Nile River and Egyptian after life.

Language Arts
Spelling: There will be a Spelling "List 19" test on Friday, February 6th.

Reading: We will begin the study of inferencing. At the end of the week we will begin a reading Ramona Quimby, Age 8 -- a story the models inferencing. There will be a vocabulary quiz on Thursday, February 5th on words from the story.

English: Expository writing will be the focus of our week. It will begin by writing an essay together. Then students will do a "how to" piece on the topic of their choice. One example would be the steps necessary to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Math: We will begin multiplication "x12." There will be a mad minute "x12" quiz on Friday, February 6th. We will also continue to study geometry, Chapter 14. There will be a Chapter 14 test on Wednesday, February 4th. Students should complete page 373 in the math textbook by Tuesday, February 3rd in preparation for the test.

Things to Remember:
Friday 1/30: There will be a Spelling test. There will be a "mad minute" quiz.
Monday 2/2: This is Ground Hog Day!
Tuesday 2/3: A math page is due.
Wednesday 2/4: There will be a math test.
Thursday 2/5: There will be a vocabulary quiz.
Friday 2/6: There will be a Spelling test. There will be a "mad minute" quiz.
Monday 2/16: This is President's Day. There is no school.

Contact Information:
E-Mail address:
Voice mail: (630)783-5065