Friday, November 28, 2008

Miss Pellin's Post
December 1st- December 5th

I hope everyone had an excellent Thanksgiving weekend. We will be having parent-teacher conferences Monday, December 1st and Tuesday, December 2nd with Language Art's parents. You should already have scheduled a conference. I look forward to talking to each of you. There will be no school on Friday, December 5th. Please plan accordingly.

A Special Holiday Project!

Each year Prairieview runs a service project around the holidays. Our efforts will benefit two organizations: a cancer family and a family shelter. Each classroom at Prairieview has a family or an individual that is in need at this time. In addition to the cancer families, we will also be making cash donations and gift donations to the family shelter, a shelter for domestic abuse. This shelter is in the local area. This year our class has a very special family.

Our family includes:
~Alicia Maddox(cancer patient) -20 years old (Mom)
~Alanna - 1 year old (daughter)

Sadly, Alicia has cancer. Not only does this family struggle with the stress of treatments and illness, but they are less fortunate than us financially, too. In order to make this a special holiday, we have “adopted” them. If you could send in a NEW, not used, present for one or more of the family members that would be greatly appreciated.

Directions for our class family gifts:

*Please wrap the gifts if they are not food items.
*LABEL the item with what it is with a post it note.
*Label who it is for.

Some ideas for NEW (not used) gifts include, but are not limited to:

Alicia: (age 20) Bath and body, perfume, jewelry, candles, kitchen accessories, picture frames/albums, gift certificates, gift baskets, slippers, etc.
Daughter: (age 1) Baby Clothes, stuffed animals, toys, etc.

Gift certificates to consider:

Jewel, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Wal-Mart, Target, Toys R Us, K-Mart, Sears, JC Penney’s, Carson Pierre Scott, Chili’s, TGIFridays, Subway, McDonalds, Burger King, ETC.

Gifts for the Family Shelter:

We are accepting Cash or checks (payable to Family Shelter Service) gift cards in any denomination. NEW toys, games, books, puzzles, sports equipment, jewelry/other accessories, warm gloves and hats. Unlike the gifts for our family, these gifts should NOT be wrapped.


The Fifteenth Week of 2008 at School:
Home Room
Science: We will study science inquiry skills and the tools used in experimental science. Students can use their new Science textbook online from the website
to help understand the subject. In order to access the Science textbook at home go to the same website. The user name is your parent connect number. The password is ccsd66.

Social Studies: We will continue to study culture and we will begin to study immigration in Chapter 3. The concepts come together when we examine the culture of various ethnic groups in our community.

Language Arts
Spelling: There will be a Spelling "List 13" test on Thursday, December 4th.

Reading: We will study the concept of "point-of-view." Different characters in a story may have very different points-of-view. It is important for the reader to understand these differences in order to interpret the events of a story.

English: We will begin to study letter writing. This will include learning how to address an envelop, learning each student's own address, and the key parts of a letter.

Math: We will begin multiplication "x4." There will be a mad minute "x4" quiz on Thursday, December 4th. We will also begin the study of different types of graphs. Students will collect data from other students and construct their own bar graphs to display the results.

Things to Remember:
Monday 12/1: Yearbook orders are due. Parent/Teacher conferences will be held.
Tuesday 12/2: Parent/Teacher conferences will be held.
Thursday 12/4: There will be a mad minutes quiz. There will be a Spelling test.
Friday 12/5: There is no school.

Contact Information:
E-Mail address:
Voice mail: (630)783-5065