Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 26 – May 30

Don’t forget that there will be no school on Monday May 26th for Memorial Day. Have a great holiday! Please send your students back to school fully rested – we have a lot left to do.

Center Cass School District #66 is in the process of implementing an Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) mandate, Response to Intervention (RTI). RTI is an array of procedures that can be used to determine if and how students respond to specific changes in instruction. RTI provides an improved process and structure for school teams in designing, implementing, and evaluating educational interventions. Please look for the additional information on RTI, which will be included with your child’s end of the year Report Card.

The Twentieth Week School:

English: We will continue our to work on persuasive writing. When done with this unit you may find it difficult not to increase your child’s allowance.

Spelling: We will work on List # 33. There will be no pretest. There will be a final test on Friday, May 30th there will be a final test.

Reading: We will continue to read Hey, New Kid!

Math: The Chapter 11 Math Test will be on Tuesday, May 27th. There will be a mad minute division test on 10s

Science: We will finish our study of space by exploring the planets. There will be a space quiz on Friday, May 30th. The quiz will be on the sun, seasons, eclipses, and the planets. Students will be given a study guide for this. Please study the guide at home and we will work on this in class as well. Notice Saturn and poor Pluto (demoted to a dwarf planet).

Social Studies:
There will be no Social Studies this week. We will focus on finishing our Science unit on space.

Things to Remember:
Monday 5/26: There will be no school for Memorial Day.
Tuesday 5/27: There will be a Math Test.
Thursday 5/29: The third grade will be bowling in Gym from 12-2.
Friday 5/30: There will be a Spelling test. There will be a mad minute division quiz.
There will be a Science Quiz.

Spirit Days:
May 23 -- red/white/blue day for Memorial Day
May 30 -- Favorite appropriate t-shirt

Contact Information:
E-Mail address:
Voice mail: (630)783-5065