Thursday, April 10, 2008

Miss Pellin's Post
April 14th – April 18th

We will be taking a field trip to Downers Grove on Monday April 21st! The day will include a bus tour of the town, stops at various historical locations, and a lunch buffet at Giordano's Pizza in Downers Grove. The cost of lunch is $7 for your child. Any parent who would like to join us for lunch is welcome. We should be there about 11:15 am. Please turn in the permission slip and money by Wednesday, April 16th. Thanks!

I look forward to seeing many of you at the Prairieview Elementary School Open House on Thursday, April 17th from 6:45pm-8:30pm. Please come to the classroom and see the work your children have been doing this winter.

On Friday, April 11th please join me in wearing your favorite baseball team’s tee shirts. On Friday, April 18th we will wear our favorite rock group, choir, or band shirt.

The Fourteenth Week of 2008 at School:

English: Students will write an expository on either “How to Care for a Pet,” or “Things to do on a Rainy Day.” Students will also write poems.

Spelling: We will work on a review of Lists # 18-25. There will not be a pretest and on Friday, April 18th there will be a final test.

Reading: Students should be reading a biography every night this week. Students will be making a scrapbook explaining their biography. We will be reading short biographies in class this week as well.

Math: Students will finish making their graphs in groups using information surveyed from the class. Then we will begin studying probability. Next Friday, April 18th there will be a mad minute division by 4 quiz.

Science: Everyone’s habitat diorama is due Thursday, April 17th. We will continue to study ecosystems. This week deserts and grasslands will be our focus.

Social Studies: We finish to studying the history of Chicago. Then we will begin to study Downers Grove in preparation for our field trip to our city.

Things to Remember:

Wednesday 4/16: Downers Grove field trip permission slips are due.
Thursday 4/17: Habitat dioramas are due. The Prairieview Elementary School Open House will be from 6:45 pm-8:30 pm.
Friday 4/18: There will be a Spelling review test. There will be a mad minute division quiz.
Monday 4/21: We will be taking a field trip to Downers Grove! At right is a picture of the Lynman Home in Downers which may have been used as a stop on the Underground Railroad.

April Spirit Days:
Friday, April 11th -- Baseball Day
Friday, April 18th -- Rock Band Day -- Wear your favorite rock group, choir or band shirt.
Friday, April 25th -- Decade Day -- dress up in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's or 90's apparel

Contact Information:
E-Mail address:
Voice mail: (630)783-5065